서신석 학생 - APNOMS 2011 Best Paper Award 수상

2011.09.26 14:56

DPNM 조회 수:40770

포스텍 컴퓨터공학과 홍원기 교수가 지도하고 있는 DPNM 연구실의 통합과정 학생 서신석은 지난 9 21-23 대만 타이페이에서 개최된 APNOMS 2011 (The 13th Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium) 에서 최고논문상을 수상하였다. 최고논문상을 수상한 논문의 제목은 “Usage Pattern Analysis of Smartphones” 로서 컴퓨터공학과 강준명 박사 홍원기 교수와 공동으로 집필하였으며 스마트폰 사용자들의 스마트폰 사용 행태 수집 그에 대한 분석을 주된 내용으로 다루고 있다. APNOMS 1997 처음 개최되었으며 올해로 13 째를 맞이한 아시아-태평양 지역 최고 권위의 네트워크 운영관리 관련 국제학술대회이다. 이번 APNOMS 2011에서는  세계 10 개국에서 240 명이 참가하여 논문 발표, tutorials 전시가 있었다. (http://www.apnoms.org).

Sin-Seok Seo who is a Ph.D student of CSE department of POSTECH and a member of DPNM Lab. which is under the supervision of Prof. James Won-Ki Hong received the Best Paper Award at APNOMS 2011 (The 13th Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium) that was held during Sep. 21-23 in Taipei, Taiwan. The title of the paper was “Usage Pattern Analysis of Smartphones” and the paper was co-authored with Dr. Joon-Myung Kang and Prof. James Won-Ki Hong, the Head of Division of IT Convergence Engineering. The paper mainly dealt with the method that collects smartphone user's usage behavior and the analysis results of the collected smartphone usage data. APNOMS has been the premier conference on network operations and management in the Asia-Pacific region since 1997 and APNOMS 2011 was the 13th in its series.


APNOMS 2011, was attended by about 240 people from academia, industry, government, research and service providers from more than 10 countries participated. There were keynotes and tutorials on the latest hot topics, technical paper and poster presentations as well as exhibitions on the latest tools and systems from the service providers and vendors (http://www.apnoms.org).
